How to make Dry Chocolate Cake recipe
Today,i'm Going to discuss about the procedure to make dry chocolate cake. If you know to balance the right amount of every ingredient then, it's the best thing you'll ever bake.
So, let's talk about the procedure to make dry chocolate cake.
First of all, whisk butter in one container,and whisk egg and sugar in another container.Whisk it till the butter is all fluffy. And mix eggs and sugar mixture slowly because if you put it all the eggs at once it may cause all that mess. Then whisk it a little.
After mixing add all the flour, cocoa powder and whisk it well. Then at the end add cream and mix it very well until it is finely mixed.
put baking paper in baking tray and fill it with the above mixture.
Then put it in oven for 15 to 20 mins in 180 degree Celsius rotating the tray halfway through.
Measurements Of The Ingredients
Butter - 500gm
sugar - 500gm
egg - 500ml
White flour - 500gm
cocoa powder - 150gm
cream - 170ml
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